
Why Do Jews Guard Dead Bodies?

Dear Jew in the City, I saw on Peacock’s The Calling that the Orthodox Jewish character guarded dead bodies. Why do they do that? Sincerely, Ed Dear Ed, Thanks for your question. Bodies need to be watched in case the deceased turns into a zombie. The person keeping watch will hopefully have a chance to sound […]

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Does the Talmud Actually Permit Sex With Minors?

Dear Jew in the City, I saw statements circulating around social media that quote the Jewish Talmud saying a Jew may marry a three-year old girl, a Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old, and when a grown-up man has intercourse with a little […]

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Why Do Jews Pray For The Dead?

Dear Jew in the City, The Calling has the Orthodox detective saying a prayer (Kaddish) over every dead body he finds. Why do Jews pray for the dead? Sincerely, Jon Dear Jon, Thanks for your question. I haven’t seen The Calling so I can’t comment directly on the show, but there seems to be sufficient […]

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What Is Amira L’Akum (Asking A Non-Jew To Do “Work” On Shabbos)?

Today I’m going to answer a question that nobody asked. But first, some background. There’s something that people do whenever these articles are posted on social media. When Allison (or whoever handles social media on her behalf) posts the articles, the question that I’m answering is always part of the post. What some people invariably […]

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Why Do Orthodox Jewish Couples Sleep In Separate Beds?

Dear Jew in the City, Recent studies have shown that married couples sleep better in separate beds. Why do Orthodox couples sleep in separate beds? Sincerely, Sam Dear Sam, Thanks for your question. I can tell you this: the reason isn’t for a better night’s sleep! Historically, mitzvos have had a number of health benefits. […]

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What Are The Basic Halachic Requirements For Tzniyus?

Dear Jew in the City, What are the basic halachic requirements for tzniyus? Sincerely, Teri Dear Teri Thanks for your question. I try to avoid answering “what’s the halacha?” questions because of the lack of universal parameters in matters of halacha. For example, I once made the innocuous observation that the bracha after eating rice […]

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