
What is Our Responsibility to the Environment as Observant Jews?

Hey JITC- What is our responsibility to the environment as observant Jews? Best, Kiki Dear Kiki- Thanks for your question. Our responsibility to the environment does not vary based on whether we are observant Jews, non-observant Jews or non-Jews; we all have the same responsibility. This is because the way in which we interact with […]

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Where Does the Custom of Hiding the Afikomen Come From?

Dear JITC- Where does the custom of hiding the afikomen (and ransoming it, children from parents or vice versa) come from? Thanks, Lisa Dear Lisa- As you note in your question, there are different customs regarding how to play the afikomen game. In some families, the parents hide it and the children win a prize […]

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Do You Need To Be Attracted to the Person You Marry According to Judaism?

Dear Jew in the City- What are the halachic requirements of attraction in a prospective marriage? Sincerely, R.G. Dear R.G.- Thanks for your question. Let’s discuss two types of “attraction” – emotional attraction (which we’ll call “love”) and physical attraction (which, for the sake of literary balance, we’ll cynically refer to as “lust”). Let’s address […]

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Can DNA Prove Jewish Identity?

Dear JITC- Can DNA prove Jewish Identity? Thanks, Corey Dear Corey- Thanks for your question. There are a couple of things to consider when examining such a question. The first thing to understand is that the Torah’s methodologies do not necessarily line-up with our modern assumptions. I’ll explain. When I was a kid, I heard […]

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When Does Judaism Say Forgiveness Should Be Granted?

Dear JITC- When should forgiveness be granted? If someone did something really awful – how do we know the apology was sincere and not just lip service? When are we supposed to forgive if the iniquity wasn’t done to us but disgusts us? What does forgiveness look like? Is it tolerating the abuser? Allowing him […]

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