
Do Jews Believe in Luck?

Dear Jew in the City, For St. Patrick’s Day, we learn about the “luck of the Irish.” Do Jews believe in luck? Best, Marsha   Dear Marsha, Thanks for your question. Before I answer, let tell you about the expression “luck of the Irish,” because it doesn’t mean what people think it means. It may […]

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Is Artificial Intelligence Kosher?

Dear Jew in the City, With the recent viral deepfake video of Jewish celebrities calling out Kanye, I got to wondering how Judaism views AI. There certainly seem to be ethical issues with it. What parts are kosher? What goes too far? Sincerely, Brian   Dear Brian, Thanks for your question. Please note that I […]

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Does Judaism Have A Concept of Inaugurations?

Dear Jew in the City, With the Presidential Inauguration coming up, I was wondering what Judaism has to say about inaugurations, especially of a new king, and was the transition of power always smooth? Curious in Georgia Dear Curious in Georgia, Well, for starters, kings don’t have inaugurations, they have coronations, but let’s call that a […]

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What’s the Difference Between Hasidic vs. Orthodox Jews?

Dear Jew in the City- What’s the difference between Hasidic vs. Orthodox Jews? What about the Jews on Shtisel vs. Hasidic Jews? Thanks, Michael Dear Michael- Thanks for your question. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I haven’t seen (and have no plans to see) Shtisel, so I can’t address that. But I can address […]

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Are Healing Crystals Kosher?

Dear Jew In the City, Are healing crystals considered avodah zarah? Thank you, Rikki __ Hi Rikki, Thanks for your question. When I read it, I already had an opinion on this particular matter, but I didn’t want to just share my understanding. So, I did my research and I came away with three positions. […]

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