
Does Making Aliyah Bring Moshiach?

Dear Jew in the City- Are all Jews meant to be in Israel right now, or in general before Moshiach comes? And if we are, is that said to make his arrival come faster? – Eden Dear Eden, Thanks for your question. For an answer, I’m going to give a qualified “no.”  The concept you’re […]

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Is It True That Jewishness Was Patrilineal In Talmudic Times?

Dear Jew in the City, I read that until Talmudic times, Jewishness used to be passed on through patrilineal descent. Is that true? If true, why did it change? If false, why do people think that? Sincerely, Harry Dear Harry, Thanks for your question. We have discussed matrilineal descent before, so let’s recap that first.  […]

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Does A Couple Have To Get Divorced If They Don’t Produce Children?

Dear Jew in the City, Does a couple have to get divorced if they don’t produce children? Sincerely, Karen Dear Karen, Thanks for your question. Once again, I’m going to reiterate the distinction between halacha and halacha l’maaseh, i.e., between Jewish law and its practical application. Not everything you may see in the law codes […]

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Ethiopian Jewish Woman, Mazi Pilip’s, Journey To Israel

Mazi Pilip is a county legislator in Nassau County. She and Allison connected at an End Jew Hatred event. Ethiopian-born, Mazi was a participant in Operation Solomon (1991) as a child, which airlifted 14,000 Ethiopian Jews in jumbo jets to Israel. She moved to the United States in adulthood. Ethiopian Jews have a rich history […]

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The Importance Of Faith In The Face Of Tragedy

Thirty-six years ago, one fateful Sunday morning, my wife Rochel Leah suddenly passed away. I was 38 years old, and she was 36. We had 11 children together. I’m a Chabad rabbi; I always had faith in God. But I couldn’t comprehend this. Why would God take away a mother, a pillar of our community, […]

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