
We Are In A Constant State Of Flux: This Perfectly Ties Into Sukkot

lim·i·nal (ˈlimənl/) adj. 1. 
of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. 2. 
occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold. limen noun (plural limens or limina |ˈlimənə|) psychology a threshold below which a stimulus is not perceived or distinguished from another. ORIGIN -mid 17th century: […]

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The Surprising Connection Between Mikvah And The Days Of Awe

The imagery of Elul, the month we recently entered, is often associated with a King. Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi explains through a famous parable that the King, who is usually high up and away from His subjects (i.e. God) is, “in the field.” As in, He’s close to and among us, available for us […]

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How to Make a Radical Break with the Last Year this Rosh Hashanah

A number of friends have mentioned that they are dreading Rosh Hashanah. Their general sense of overwhelm has made preparing for the holiday—spiritually or physically—exhausting. Looking back at this past year depresses them. Cynicism leads them to expect 5781 will be worse than 5780. It doesn’t help that due to the novel coronavirus, a lot […]

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Saying Goodbye to the Jewish Guilt this Rosh Hashanah

“I grew up thinking that if you don’t do Rosh Hashana right, then terrible things are going to happen,” Jamie commented during a discussion of the High Holidays. By the nods around the room, it was clear that he wasn’t the only one who grew up with the Jewish guilt strong around this time of […]

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This Was the Secret to King David’s Teshuva

Years ago, I was sitting innocently on a bus with Tanach (Bible) in hand when a man began to educate me on what he saw as the Bible’s mistakes. He believed Saul, the first king of Israel, was cheated: he was the better man and should never have lost his throne to David – David […]

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