
The Day I Almost Died in The Sbarro’s Bombing

16 years ago today, God gave me a second chance at life. I was working in a summer camp in Israel for my third summer in a row, and Thursdays were usually the day that I’d be with our cab driver from morning to night running all over Jerusalem doing errands. Every time we passed […]

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What Will Happen When Moshiach Comes?

Dear Jew in the City, A few weeks ago, you discussed when Moshiach will come. What will happen when he gets here? Sincerely, Incredulous   Dear Incredulous- Ah, a follow-up question! I love a good sequel as much as the next guy but with rare exception, they’re usually not as satisfying as the original. Here, […]

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When is Moshiach Coming?

Dear Jew in the City- When is Moshiach coming? Sincerely, Y. E.   Dear Y.E. Ah, nothing like the easy ones! Happily, I don’t have to answer this question on my own because the Talmud discusses it in great detail. The subject is examined in tractate Sanhedrin on pages 97a-99a, with occasional tangents for related […]

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Does Judaism Believe That AI Could Take Over The World?

Dear Jew in the City- Elon Musk just warned the world that we had better get A.I. under control before robots take over the world. Are there any Jewish sources which might help us understand this better? Is this a fear according to Jewish wisdom? – Robotic Neurotic   Dear Rob- Thanks for your question. […]

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What Does Judaism Say About Fraud And How Could Rabbis Do It?

Dear Jew in the City, Isn’t being honest and ethical part of a religious Jewish life? Sometimes I read about Orthodox Jews committing fraud. What does Judaism forbid, and why are people such hypocrites? Sincerely, Disillusioned and Disappointed Dear D & D- No doubt this question was motivated by last month’s news in which seven […]

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