
Is Watching a Movie As Bad As Eating Treif?

Dear Jew in the City- I was raised to believe that eating traif was the same thing as watching a movie. How are mitzvos, minhagim and chumras weighed, in other words, how do I make sense of what is really required of me from the Torah, the rabbis or just by my particular community? Thank […]

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Do Orthodox Men Wear Suits 24/7?

Dear Jew in the City, I live in Hollywood, California, and here there is a community full of Orthodox Jews with beards and everything. I was wondering where do they work? How do they make money? I have never seen an Orthodox Jew outside of this neighborhood. I been in many business places, offices, etc., […]

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Who Should Light The Menorah?

Hi Jew in the City- In my family, my father lights the menorah alone, but in my friends’ family, everyone lights their own menorah. Who should light it? Sincerely, Meira   Dear Meira- Thanks for your question. The prevalent practice among Sefardic Jews is for one menorah to be lit; the prevalent practice among Ashkenazim […]

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Is There a Jewish Response on How Not to Get Corrupted By Power?

Dear JITC- It seems that every day another man in power is accused of sexual impropriety and subsequently fired. The adage “power corrupts” appears to be painfully true. Does Judaism believe that power corrupts and if so, does it have any advice on how to not get corrupted? Thank you, G.C. Dear G.C.- Lord Acton, […]

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What Are The Jewish Ways of Expressing Gratitude?

Dear Jew in the City- This week Americans will show their thanks by getting together and eating Turkey and stuffing. Are there any Jewish customs or rituals for expressing gratitude? Thanks, Adam Dear Adam- Thanks for your question. There is an important characteristic in Judaism called hakaras hatov, acknowledging the good. It is stressed that […]

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