
How Do I Know He’s The One?

Dear JITC- So I’m pretty newly religious, I just finished college, and I think I am ready to start dating and get married. The one thing that I am concerned about, all the frum people I know date for such a short time! How am I going to know that he’s the one that fast? […]

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What is the Jewish View of Abortion?

Dear Jew in the City- With a spot opening up the Supreme Court, abortion is in the news a lot these days. This got me thinking – is Judaism pro-life, pro-choice or some combination? All the best, Ruby Dear Ruby- Sometimes they’ll ask me to field a question and I’ll decline on the basis that […]

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Are We Allowed to Rebuke Any Jew We Meet?

Dear Jew in the City- I know a woman who believes because of kol Yisrael arevim zeh l’zeh (all Jews are responsible for one another) she should approach any Jewish person – a stranger even – and tell them what they’re doing wrong. This seems so outrageous to me and against Judaism but I’m curious, […]

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Can We Dress Less Modestly Because Our Society Does?

Hey Jew in the City- I’ve heard people say that modesty is just for a specific time and place, i.e., based on the times you’re living in. If that’s true, why do we still have to follow it? Best, Madison Dear Madison- Thanks for your question. I would say that “time and place” thing works […]

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