
Should We Give Up On Self-Hating Jews?

Dear Jew in the City- When it comes to supporting Israel or speaking out against antisemitism, I see some Jews who seem to be throwing us under the bus. On the one hand we are supposed to focus on Jewish unity, and on the other, four-fifths of the Jewish nation didn’t make it out of […]

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Do Jews Have Any Valid Claims To The Land Of Israel?

Dear Jew in the City- I know how to solve the Israeli/Palestinian crisis – make Israel a 51st state of the United States. Let them leave behind that land to the Palestinians and we’ll get them some land here. Could that work? – M.S. Dear M.S. – Thanks for your question. No, that wouldn’t work. […]

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Is Surrogacy Permitted According to Orthodox Judaism?

Dear JITC- I saw in Shtisel the topic of surrogacy came up. It wasn’t very favorable. Is this across Orthodoxy or just in more right-wing circles? Thanks, G.S. Dear G.S.- Thanks for your question. I’ve never seen Shtisel (and I have no intentions to) but I assume you are referring to gestational surrogacy, in which […]

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What Jewish Sources Show Us That Hypocrisy Is Wrong?

Dear JITC- What Jewish sources show us that hypocrisy is wrong? Thank you, Dave Dear Dave- I have to say, I really like this question. And, unlike many other questions, I don’t think I’ve been asked this before. The easiest reply might be simply to cite Exodus 23:7, which enjoins us to distance ourselves from […]

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