
This Hasidic Lawyer Helped End The Poll Tax

“I was their star teaching fellow but I couldn’t get a teaching job,” said Aaron Twerski. Looking the way he looked — like a Hasidic Jew — made it difficult for Twerski to attain a professor appointment at Harvard Law School, despite glowing reviews. Twerski went onto a pivotal role at the U.S. Department of […]

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Sara Braun: How A Born Black Jew Became Hasidic

Judaism is not simply a religion: We are a tribe, an ethnicity, an extended family, as well as a faith system. The misconception that Jews are only a religion or are all white continues to be pervasive, but there are more and more Jews speaking out about the complex nature of our identity. One of […]

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This Photographer Showcases Joy In Hasidim That The Media Misses

We stumbled upon Ruchy Lebovits’s Instagram account – @ruchyl_photography – by happy accident. After scrolling through her page, we knew we had to talk with her and introduce our followers to her and her platform. What is unique about her photography portfolio? There are many family photographers in the world, but Ruchy has carved out […]

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A Thank You Note To A Hasidic CEO

Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers and is always observed on the first Monday of September.  It began in the late 1800’s, when labor activists lobbied for a federal holiday to acknowledge the many contributions workers have made to America’s workforce. While media usually highlights the negative stories […]

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An Ex-Hasidic Woman Shares Her Story: “All Societies Have Faults”

Many think they know about Orthodox Judaism thanks to TV shows like “Unorthodox” and “My Unorthodox Life,” a.k.a. media that shows off the community in a negative light without any sort of context that these are dysfunctional families. But where are the stories of inspiration? Where are honest, nuanced alternative narratives to balance that out? […]

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