
Ariana Grande: Why Men Need To Keep Their Hands To Themselves

A few days ago, I started seeing headlines of a bishop at Aretha Franklin’s funeral inappropriately touching singer Ariana Grande during a speech he gave after her performance. Pastor Charles H. Ellis III’s “friendly” hug quickly turned into an uncomfortable grope. The Twittersphere exploded with words of disgust, people calling on the bishop to apologize. As […]

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Bikinis Are Gone From Miss America. Big Whoop!

After 97 years of having female contestants parade around in next to nothing, to be commented on and literally judged, Miss America (formerly known as a beauty pageant) is throwing in the towel when it comes to swimsuits. Gretchen Carlson, the chairwoman of the Miss America board of directors, announced this on Good Morning America today. […]

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Is The Internet Ruining Civilization?

The Internet – at least in its current iteration – may be ruining the world as we know it. Of course I’m being melodramatic, but I’m also being serious. The ills of the web are nothing new. People are more isolated than ever, covet other people’s lives more than ever, and have shorter attention spans […]

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Let’s Stop Talking About Wardrobe Malfunctions

Every time I log into my Yahoo email over the last couple days, I am reminded that a female Olympic athlete recently had a “wardrobe malfunction.” I am purposely being circumspect about the details because we really shouldn’t be talking about this story at all, and I truly hope it will stop soon. For poor […]

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