Meet Ben & Shoshana Madsen

Orthodox Jewish Dating Profiles: Part 1, The Madsens

In honor of Tu B’Av, the 15th of the month of Av, “the Jewish Valentine’s Day,” we are launching a series on couples from different parts of the Orthodox world; how they met, shidduch dated (got set up by a friend or matchmaker), and decided to spend their lives together. The Madsens are a yeshivish […]

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How Orthodox Jewish Fathers Can Talk To Their Sons About Puberty

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article handles mature topics and is the first of a two part series. This installment broaches the topic from a philosophical standpoint, the second part will discuss the practical how-to’s of speaking to your son. Sitting down with your son to discuss how to interact with the opposite sex as he reaches […]

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Israeli Bomb Shelter Date Leads to Marriage Proposal!

Some dates bomb. Others end up in bomb shelters. It has been a rough summer for the Jewish people. Fifty days of war in Israel. Dozens of deaths and injuries. Thousands of rockets. Millions of people running to bomb shelters for cover for weeks on end. But FINALLY there’s some good news to come out […]

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Why I Tell My Kids About Tragedies

On Saturday night, I boarded a plane only hours after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 had gone missing. I was out of town for a couple days and less connected to news than usual. Once I had safely landed from my return flight on Monday afternoon, my husband asked if I had heard about the missing plane. […]

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