
The Jewish Undertones of Netflix’s Show, “Manifest”

Note: This article does include some minor spoilers about the show. It’s not super often that I come across a show and think, “Wow, this show has a lot of Judaism.” Granted, most of my watching comes in the form of Gilmore Girls for the 100th time and The Great British Bake Off. Manifest, on […]

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Why I Went Back To Spain To Trace My Jewish Roots

When I was a child, I learned about my family’s roots. We were from Spain, and during the Spanish Inquisition, we were expelled from the country, along with the rest of the Jews who wouldn’t convert to Christianity. My family eventually ended up in Turkey, and some of my cousins still live there today. Today, […]

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Ethnic Food Month: What Jews Around The World Eat

Jews are a refugee people, and as an ethnic minority we have never had a solid home base since our exile from our homeland in 70CE, due to Roman colonizers. As such, our ethnic food has become the food of the places that have housed us. While classic Ashkanazi foods like brisket, matzah ball soup […]

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Miami Boys Choir Member David Herskowitz Chats About Viral TikTok Trend

You probably never thought you’d see the day when “J-pop” would become internationally known, but that’s what happened when an Orthodox Jewish choral-pop band became an overnight internet sensation. Miami Boys Choir’s arrangement of Yerushalayim (from Miami Moshiach, 2007) took TikTok by a storm these past few weeks. The one-minute video clip of a live […]

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