
6 Must-Try Items from Kosherpalooza

If you were at last week’s Kosherpalooza, you know how awesome it was. Tons of food from so many vendors lined the walls and Instagram celebs milled about at this kosher consumer show. I was swept up in the joyful energy and shared love everyone had for really good, interesting and delicious kosher food. Here, some […]

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A Few Good (Orthodox) Men To Celebrate This Father’s Day

Religious Jewish fathers don’t get a very positive portrayal in the media. On the side of fiction, there’s Tevye, from Fiddler on the Roof, who is strict and expects his family to obey him. There’s Shulem from Shtisel, who tries to limit his son Akiva and his dreams of being an artist. And then there’s […]

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A Chat With Rough Diamonds Creators On Hasidic Representation

When Rough Diamonds hit Netflix, it brought up some mixed feelings. While wonderful to see Orthodox Jewish representation on screen done with nuance and three dimensionality, some of the plot lines dabbled in tropes of Jewish deception and greed. Negative minority representation increases hatred of those minorities, according to research. With attacks on all Jews, […]

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A Sit Down With The Star and Producer of Jewish Matchmaking

At first glance, reality TV and Orthodox Judaism seem like an odd pair. Yet, in Netflix’s new show, Jewish Matchmaking, sparks are flying. A refreshing breath of fresh air in a marred television climate that almost solely shows negative depictions of Orthodox Jews, Jewish Matchmaking is an honest and real portrayal of the beautiful Jewish […]

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Should I Make Aliyah? A Nefesh B’Nefesh Representative Advises

Florida, North Carolina, New York, Georgia…each day it seems like a different state is reporting antisemitism— numbers are increasing rapidly. We just marked Yom HaShoah — Holocaust Remembrance Day — a time devoted to ensuring a terror even remotely in that realm doesn’t happen again.  With stories percolating that feel eerie, much like pre-Holocaust times, the possibility […]

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