
The Eagles Running Back Who Became An Orthodox Jew

On the surface, the game of football and the Jewish religion have nothing to do with each other, but to former NFL running back and Orthodox Jew, Yosef Murray, one could not exist without the other. Having converted to Judaism, Yosef is now making an impact off the field, but it was not a clear […]

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Where’s The Line Between Tznius (Modest) and Sexy?

Dear Jew in the City, I recently watched a video about “tznius sexy” and was wondering your thoughts. I was wondering what the connection is between looking good (beautiful) and dressing modestly? Can you dress beautifully, modernly, and womanly (not hiding the fact you are a woman) and be modest at the same time? Where […]

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Winning Wrap Battles: Yossi Farro, The Celebrity Tefillin Wrapper

Many men, Jewish or not, have encountered bearded men asking them if they’re Jewish. Whether on the streets of Manhattan, on an airplane, or in Home Depot, Chabadsters approach people, asking them if they would like to wrap tefillin. This approach might seem “aggressive” to some, but Yossi Farro credits Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks saying […]

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Agam Berger’s Heroic Return

“I chose the path of faith, and in the path of faith I returned.” Last week, hostage Agam Berger’s mother said she didn’t want to violate the Sabbath to collect her daughter. In a situation of grave danger there is room in Jewish law for leniency on Sabbath observance. But after Agam’s mother made this […]

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