
Do Jews have to treat Non-Jews and Jews the same way?

Dear Jew in the City, Why aren’t Jewish people, who are supposed to be “a light to the nations,” obligated to treat non-Jews the same as they treat fellow Jews?  Sincerely, Eileen Dear Eileen, Thanks for your question. (Actually, this question was submitted in the comment section of a different article. I thought it was […]

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What does Judaism say about the death penalty?

Dear Jew in the City, What does Judaism say about the death penalty? Sincerely, Eric Dear Eric, That’s an interesting question. I assume you mean “What does Judaism say about the death penalty in secular law?” because anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of the Torah knows that capital punishment is all over Jewish law. […]

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How is Tu b’Shevat Connected to the Land of Israel?

Dear Jew in the City, How is Tu b’Shevat connected to the land of Israel? Best, Jonah   Dear Jonah, Thanks for your question. We discussed Tu b’Shevat a few years ago, so let’s make a quick recap. The first mishna in tractate Rosh Hashana tells us that there are four “new years,” as follows: […]

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