
Is There a Problem With Trick-or-Treating According to Judaism?

Dear JITC- Is there a problem with trick-or-treating according to Judaism? If so, why? Thanks, Jamie Dear Jamie- Thanks for your question. There are two types of holidays: religious and secular. Despite the commercialization decried by those who observe it, I think that most people would have no trouble recognizing Christmas as a religious holiday. […]

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How Do We Handle Simchas Torah This Year? 

Dear Jew In the City, How do we handle Simchas Torah this year?  Thanks, Arielle _ Hi Arielle, Thanks for your very interesting question. Before I address it, I’d like to contextualize things for those who may need the dots connected, as well as for people who may read this in the future and need […]

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Why Is Sukkot the Holiday of Happiness Over Other Holidays?

Dear Jew in the City, Why is Sukkot the holiday of happiness over other holidays? Best, Raphael   Dear Raphael, Thanks for your question. Let’s assume you were jaded and cynical. I know that doesn’t apply to anyone here, but if you were jaded and cynical, you might think, “Well, when the Rabbis composed the […]

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What Happens When Yom Kippur Coincides With Shabbos?

Dear Jew In the City, This year Yom Kippur falls on Shabbat. What are the halachot concerning this? Thanks, Eliza _ Hi Eliza, Thanks for your question. When Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos, what’s different? Quite a bit when it comes to Shabbos, but surprisingly little when it comes to Yom Kippur. Shabbos is different […]

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