
How Quitting Porn Gave Me A Newfound Respect For Women

I never considered myself a misogynist, but several years ago, during my senior year of college as I headed to yeshiva, I began taking on a number of wonderful Jewish observances. It was at that time that I learned about shmiras eynaim, the responsibility of Jewish men and women to treat their eyes and ears as […]

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Why I’m Doing Dry Seders This Year

The Manischewitz at my family’s Passover table left a bad taste in my mouth. By the time I was a teenager, I knew I didn’t want it, the jarred gelatinous fish lumps, the giant crackers or any other part of Judaism in my life anymore. Insert decade of drinking and drugs here. I searched, I […]

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#MyMiracle: The Day I Survived An Aneurysm

The first week of December 2014 was a hectic one. My 7-month old son had been sick on and off for weeks, and between taking care of him and working full time, I wasn’t getting much sleep. This was precisely the reason why I didn’t pay much attention to the fact that I had been […]

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My Purim Flight Miracle

A few weeks before Purim, my husband and I booked a flight from Chicago to California to visit my parents. I figured I would take off the day from work for Purim anyway, so it made for a good opportunity to take a long weekend and say ‘hi’ to them. All was proceeding according to […]

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