Can Orthodox Jews Struggle With Torah?
A woman once told me that she’s too religious for her Reform temple but because she struggles with the Torah, she can’t be Orthodox. Watch below to see what I told her.
A woman once told me that she’s too religious for her Reform temple but because she struggles with the Torah, she can’t be Orthodox. Watch below to see what I told her.
Listen to the entire radio interview here. Like most people on planet earth, I’ve known who Howard Stern is for years, though, I’ve never really listened to his show or watched more than an occasional clip of “America’s Got Talent.” Then my friend Mayim Bialik was interviewed on his radio show last year and, of […]
Rochelle Shoretz – Jew in the City Orthodox Jewish All Star (2012) passed away this past Shabbos at age 42 after a long and tenacious battle with breast cancer. She was a friend and mentor to me and countless others. To hear the entirety of our tribute to her, listen to “Jew in the City […]
Allison Josephs’ (aka Jew in the City’s) family – especially her father – freaked out when she started to become more observant in her teens. At a recent Torah dedication, her father explains what motivated him and her mom (at almost 50 years old) to join her. (Both of her sisters became Orthodox too.)
Sit in judgment of others, as our sages teach “Don’t judge another man until you have stood in his place.” (Ethics of the Fathers) When they do that judging in public, as the Talmud says, “He who publicly shames his neighbor is as though he shed blood.” When they commit acts of fraud, as the […]
Worrying doesn’t just run in the women of my family – it does marathons. And after hearing about a child abuse case in a pre-school California in the early 80’s, my mother was terrified of all the horrible ways my sisters and I could be kidnapped, killed, and molested (though not necessarily in that order). […]