
The Only Thing We Can Do to Combat Antisemitism’s Rise

Breathe in…and breathe out. If you’re anything like me, reports of rising antisemitism have you speed-dialing your therapist and questioning everything you know about the world. As Editor-in-Chief of Jew in the City, it’s literally my job to stay up to date on the latest antisemitic events. We haven’t been able to go a day […]

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Echoes of Blood Libels in Modern Hate Crimes and Terrorism

Pesach is one of the most joyful times in the Jewish calendar, but historically it has also been blood libel season, when Jewish communities around the globe were accused of murder in the name of using the blood of Christian children to make matzos. While blatantly untrue, this falsehood has persisted for centuries and in […]

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Hallel On Seder Night Is Different From All Other Hallels

Kadesh, urchatz, karpas…tzafun, barech, Hallel, nirtzah. Kiddush, washing, karpas…afikomen, grace after meals, Hallel… Many of us have been singing the steps of the seder for as long as we can remember – which is great if we want to remember what to do, but not so great if we want to think about why we […]

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Is There Room To Be More Lenient On Pesach?

Dear Jew in the City, My family’s Pesach traditions are so strict and burdensome that I don’t want to observe the holiday anymore. The work is too much and I’m starving the whole time. Is there room for me to be more lenient? -A.E.   Dear A.E, Thanks for your question. As I mentioned last […]

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