Are Orthodox Jews Allowed To Use Birth Control?
Why do Orthodox Jews have so many kids? Is birth control ever allowed? Watch this video to find out.
Why do Orthodox Jews have so many kids? Is birth control ever allowed? Watch this video to find out.
This Sunday begins the joyful minor holiday of Tu b’Av, the fifteenth of the month of Av. The Talmud says besides Yom Kippur, there was no other holy day as happy for the Jews as Tu b’Av. In the times of the Temple, unmarried Jewish women would dress in white and dance in the vineyards, […]
Tisha B’Av – the ninth day of the month of Av – is usually the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, a day of fasting and mourning the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem, among other tragedies. But last year, our family’s Tisha B’Av was far from solemn. Late in June, my husband, Daniel, received […]
This Shabbos, the one preceding Tisha b’Av, is known as “Shabbos Chazon” – the Shabbos of the vision. Whose vision? The prophet Isaiah, who saw the destruction that would befall the Jewish people because of the way we baselessly hated one another. The great Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev would say: On the Shabbos of […]
The culmination of the Three Weeks, an annual time of mourning the destruction of The Beis HaMikdash (Holy Temple) is Tisha b’Av. It is the saddest day of the Jewish year and the most calamitous in our history. So great was our pain on this day as a nation, that each year we commemorate it […]
Why do Orthodox women wear wigs – especially if the wig looks even nicer than their hair? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose? In this video we explore the text-based sources for hair covering. It begins with a reference in the Torah, and then is expounded upon in the Talmud. But what about wigs? When did […]